Thursday, April 10, 2008

Caching data -fast performance

public class CacheSearch
protected DataSet _ds;
protected string ksearch;

public CacheSearch()

public static DataSet GetAlldataCIdKeyid(int cid, int kid)
return GetAlldataCityIdKeyid(HttpContext.Current, cid, kid);
protected static DataSet GetAlldataCityIdKeyid(HttpContext context, int cid, int kid)
string ksearchkey = “cachkey_” + cid.ToString() + “_” + kid.ToString();
DateTime expiration = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);
DataSet allcidkey = context.Cache[ksearchkey] as DataSet;
if (allcidkey == null)
allcidkey = KEYWORDSEARCH.keysearchcidkeyid(cid, kid);
context.Cache.Add(ksearchkey, allcidkey, null, expiration, TimeSpan.Zero, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);

return allcidkey;


public class KEYWORDSEARCH
public static DataSet keysearchcidkeyid(int cid, int keyid)
dl.AddParameter(”@cid”, cid);
dl.AddParameter(”@kid”, keyid);
return dl.ExecuteDataSet(”getkeysearch”);

and codehind of page u write code which bind to datagrid
DataSet ds = CacheSearch.GetAlldataCIdKeyid(cid,kid);

this ds bind with datagrid and show better performance

here Datalayer is connection class if u want to according ur need u change

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