About Us

Suresh Sharma, Suresh Sharma .net,dream coding

Suresh Sharma

Poject Manager

✈C# | MVC | .Net Core | React Js | Blazor | SignalR | TypeScript | Microservices | DDD | CQRS | Web Api | Rest Api | Azure Services✈

Hello, My name is Suresh Sharma! I'm a Project Manager and having 13+ year experience. I am currently working at Birdres Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in Gurgaon, New Delhi NCR Area.

I have specialized in IT experience in various platforms including Designing, Development and implementation using Microsoft Dot Net Technologies.

I have a strong passion for developing applications using ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WEB API, C#, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, JSON, REACTJS, Blazor, Signal R, .NETCORE. Keeping in mind scalability and clean code that is maintainable and readable.

In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors, listening to music, traveling and experiencing new and exciting adventures.

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AJAX, asp, Asp.net, asp.net and sql server security, Asp.net IntemIndex, C#, Css, DataBinder.Eval, DataKeyNames, Datalist, Datapager, DataSet, DataTable, DropDownList, FindControl, gridview, JavaScript, jquery, Listview, Paging, Regex, RegularExpression, Repeater, Server side validation, Sql Server, timer, timercallback, Validation, XML, xmlnode, XPath